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Trauma-Informed Assessments

A clinician's guide to safely identifying and exploring connections between clients' current struggles and prior histories of trauma, abuse, and neglect.

The ubiquitous buzzword in the mental health field is "trauma-informed care." This is an exciting and necessary step in ethical, well-paced treatment for traumatized clients. However, in the earliest stages of therapy, knowing how to engage in a "trauma-informed assessment" is just as important. Clinicians often feel pressured by their practice settings to obtain intimate and personal information as quickly as possible for the purposes of "assigning the case."

This is done without first establishing a context of trust and safety, and with little regard for the impact that prematurely revealing a trauma narrative has on a prospective client who has found the courage to seek out treatment. This clinician's guide will help you to safely identify and explore connections between clients' current struggles and prior histories of trauma, abuse, and neglect, while still respectfully pacing the work and avoiding de-stabilizing traumatized clients.

The cover of the eBook: Trauma-Informed Assessments.Click here to download Trauma-Informed Assessments

Addressing Guilt and Shame in Our Therapeutic Work with Traumatized Clients

How to creatively increase self-forgiveness, self-compassion, and healing.

Guilt is usually about something that a client has or has not said or done – either a behavioral choice or harsh words that were expressed that are now accompanied by regret. Shame, on the other hand, flows from the client’s misguided belief that they are fundamentally flawed or damaged. The truth is most trauma survivors grapple with varying degrees of guilt and shame, and until these powerful and debilitating emotions have been identified and addressed, it is hard for clients to achieve the level of healing they deserve and need.

When clients find themselves stuck in these toxic emotions, the good news is they don’t have to remain stuck: they have options and choices! This eBook serves as a clinical framework so therapists can compassionately assist their clients in understanding the root causes of guilt and shame. In addition to suggestions for psychoeducation, this material also provides creative strategies that incorporate the therapeutic relationship, cognitive re-framing, and somatic and expressive modalities that allow for the processing and releasing of such emotions.

The cover of the eBook: Addressing Guilt and Shame in Our Therapeutic Work With Traumatized Clients.Click here to download Addressing Guilt and Shame

What people say about Lisa's eBooks:

"Such a valuable resource with tactics that I will be able to implement in my work with clients. Thank you Lisa!"

Arlene Foreman, LPC

"A tremendous resource that I return to time and time again."

Jane Coates, PHD

"When I opened and read Lisa’s e-book, I immediately thought this needs to be read by all therapists! I immediately started sharing it with therapists I knew. Lisa's wisdom about trauma-informed care comes shining through in this e-book! This is a must read!"

Robyn E. Brickel, M.A., LMFT

"Lisa Ferentz's Trauma Informed Assessments offers clinicians a way of assessing their client’s trauma histories in a safe, appropriately paced, strengths-based manner. I highly suggest that all therapists who work with clients with traumatic backgrounds study this manual in order to do thorough assessments without re-traumatizing their clients in the process. This clear, concise manual is a gem!"

Susan Osofsky, LCSW

Vlogs: 21-30
Vlogs: 11-20
Vlogs: 1-10

What Level I Grads Are Saying About the Trauma Certificate Program:

Click here to learn more about the Trauma Certificate Program

Melody Beattie
With instructive life stories, personal reflections, exercises, and self-tests, Codependent No More is a simple, straightforward, readable map of the perplexing world of codependency.

The leading peer-reviewed journal for health and healthcare in the Internet age.

Sherrie Campbell, PHD
This book encourages you to shine in your own full expression in this beautiful life where you know you are loved just for being exactly who you are.

Telemedicine and e-Health is the leading international peer-reviewed journal covering the full spectrum of advances and clinical applications of telemedicine and management of electronic health records.

Telemedicine Today is the leading news and information source for the telemedicine industry, with a readership that includes telemedicine practitioners, physicians, hospital administrators, healthcare information specialists, vendors, consultants, policy makers, and others interested in this dynamic field.

Spencer Johnson and Kenneth Blanchard
A book that uses a simple parabel to reveal profound truths about dealing with change so that you can enjoy less stress and more success in your work and in your life.

A great website that offers many resources for stress reduction, meditation, guided imagery, relationship building, etc.  Access books, podcasts, online trainings, etc. from some of the best experts in the mental health field!

Dr. Martin Rossman, UCTV
This series explains how our bodies experience stress and demonstrates effective strategies to help you thrive in a fast-paced world.

Therapy Chat Podcast with Laura Reagan and Lisa Ferentz