
Our mission is to provide Social Workers and other mental health professionals with state-of-the-art continuing education encompassing a variety of clinical issues, client populations, and practice settings. We believe effective learning occurs in a professional, nurturing, supportive, and fun environment that fosters collegial sharing and networking.

Our trainings encourage clinicians to reframe and depathologize symptoms, while focusing on clients’ resiliency and strengths. We believe that clinicians are only as effective as the extent to which they take care of themselves, so we also address issues of counter-transference, vicarious traumatization, and professional burnout.

Our faculty is comprised of talented, seasoned clinicians and educators who are dynamic, articulate, and passionate about their work. They are committed to enhancing clinician efficacy, and are sensitive to the challenges that face Social Workers as they grapple with complex client issues.

Why Choose Us?

“Personable, organized, professional, and entertaining.”

“Infused with infectious warmth, compassion, and optimism.”

“Single best training I have done since graduate school”

Participants at The Ferentz Institute speak to the transformative impact of our trainings, and delight in our nurturing, supportive, and fun learning environment. We’ve established and continue to grow a unique educational process that’s both well balanced and multidimensional.

Working with nationally admired faculty, you will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills that will help you advance as a clinician. At the same time, you will have a warm and engaging, participatory experience that promotes creativity, sharing, and networking.

The Ferentz Institute provides trainings at tiered levels of certification and workshops on an array of compelling topics. But we offer much more than CEU credits. We go to the very core of challenges you face personally in a demanding profession. Here, you are encouraged to balance helping others with helping yourself. Appropriate boundary setting, positive self-talk, and self-care permeate much of the learning.

You’re invited to fully explore our new website for details about our eclectic mix of trainings and workshops, faculty, and professional resources. We look forward to you joining us on a journey towards growth and enrichment both professionally and personally.

What people are saying about The Ferentz Institute:

Alesia Jerrels

Yehuda's knowledge of the topic and allowing participants to practice the skills being presented was most valuable.

Alesia Jerrels

Yehuda's knowledge of the topic and allowing participants to practice the skills being presented was most valuable.

Colleen Blackston

Yehuda was very passionate and knowledgeable.

Kara Mitchell

Yehuda was very passionate and knowledgeable. The total experience, this was different for me, completely experiential and I really enjoyed the training.

Sara Chaves

Yehuda was kind and gentle. He was creative and interactive. He had a presence that made it inviting to learn.

Ilene Gallner-Toller

Very powerful and experiential workshop! We were constantly engaged in experiential learning, even while taking in theory. Awesome!

Patti Amsel

Very helpful and gave me new perspective and skills to enhance peace building skills. Opened my eyes to actions I could take where before I felt helpless.

Susan Lawyer

Yehuda is AMAZING (and adorable)! He is funny, intelligent, and a gifted presenter.

Laura Block

Yehuda presented us with actual new information and tools to use in our practice with clients.

Mary Liz Austin

Yehuda is a grounded and clear presenter with a wealth of knowledge on how to work creatively with trauma survivors.

Jessie P.

Wow. What better way to learn about healing leadership than by witnessing it and being healed by it throughout the workshop? I feel so much gratitude to Sabrina for modeling what healing leadership looks like, and giving so freely of her wisdom so that we may continue to share with others. I am blown away.

Jessie P.

Wow. What better way to learn about healing leadership than by witnessing it and being healed by it throughout the workshop? I feel so much gratitude to Sabrina for modeling what healing leadership looks like, and giving so freely of her wisdom so that we may continue to share with others. I am blown away.

Kathleen Killeen

Wonderful wonderful thanks able to use many things with clients learning in class.

Alexander Wheeler

Wonderful teacher - the training was informative, clear, interactive, and very applicable to a range of clinical situations involving blended families.

Sara Bounds

When I learned that my agency was going to sponsor me to take the Trauma Certificate, Level I Course, I was ecstatic. I was eager to learn as much as I could from Lisa's expertise, and she absolutely delivered. I have already used several of the recommended clinical tools; clients have been very receptive, even surprised, by how helpful they found the method(s) to be. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn invaluable clinical knowledge and skills!

Susan S.

Vivien was open, accepting, non-judgmental, centered, calm and humble.

Joan H.W.

Virtual trainings can be hit or miss if the presenter doesn't hold court, but Dr. Evans was fantastic. I was laughing and engaged the entire day.

Karen Ross Taylor

Trauma Informed Collage Methods was a very valuable workshop as I have always had a personal affinity for collage activities and love to find ways to incorporate it into my practice. It's also a kinder and less threatening modality for those of us who minimize or deny having artistic abilities. The facilitator Peggy and her assistant Hanna were organized and accommodating. Having minimally structured experiential components to the workshop was a smart choice. I highly recommend :)

Jessica Silbermann

Timothy was thoughtful, compassionate and extremely knowledgeable on the topic and provided excellent tools and resources to engage in the work with gender expansive youth more meaningfully and with greater intention.

Jenn Ungham

Trauma 1 Program was beyond beneficial as the core of my patients have been affected by trauma and not only did this program validate what I am already doing but also provided me with a wealth of knowledge to take my sessions to the next level and help my patients process through their trauma in a safe and effective way.

Alexis Buckheit

Timothy was so wise and supportive in the way he presented the material. The environment was comfortable and facilitated space for questions and thoughts among participants, which is not always the case in virtual workshops.

Shannon Maple

Timothy provided a safe and open space to learn and grow together!

Margie Underwood

Timothy is obviously passionate and very knowledgeable about this topic. I appreciated his gentle, supportive, and understanding approach to the workshop attendees, creating a space where I felt safe asking any question.

Hetty Barnett

Timothy Elliott was an excellent presenter. He did an excellent job of welcoming the group and of framing the entire training with encouraging clinician self-care (which I know is part of the Ferentz Institute Brand!). He made it a safe space by maintaining the time, encouraging interaction while also being fine when there wasn't any, and keeping a good pace of the lecture while also including space for questions/comments both in the chat and video. Highly recommend it!

Susan B. Blair

Timothy clearly explained ways to work with gender expansive youth in a professional and compassionate way. His gentle spirit came alongside us to expand our knowledge and understanding.

Mary Liz Austin

Tim was a wise and conscientious presenter with a clear mastery of his subject matter.

Bethany B.

This workshop was unbelievably informative. The facilitator was extremely engaging and presented in a way that could be easily implemented into one's practice.

Nicole Osborne

This workshop was very insightful. I learned so much about how to make clinical supervision effective utilizing a holistic approach. Dr. Sabrina provided a lot of relatable information. She was real and present throughout the entire workshop.

Caitlin Tromiczak

This training brought me invaluable information on how trauma is experienced and taught me new treatment options that allow me to respond to my clients, and teach my staff, accordingly. The fact that this was done in such a caring, humorous, and insightful manner serve to enhance my learning experience.

Ashley D.

This workshop was helpful to get past the places that I often get 'stuck' with my clients. Creative modalities were introduced and Lisa was great at answering specific questions for numerous case scenarios.

Chaim Wolfish

This program is an absolute must for any clinician who is serious about providing the best therapeutic care to all clients.

Jennifer Z.

This workshop was a unique and inspiring sharing of wisdom, knowledge and support for each of us as clinicians and as humans. Dr. Sabrina is an amazing presenter with an abundance of knowledge and inspiration for every one of us!

Katie O'Mailey

This program [Level II Advanced Treatment in Trauma Certificate] provided more guidance and resources than my graduate school curriculum in terms of clinical competency. What a privilege to witness, reflect on, and explore these new creative trauma-informed modalities with Lisa, Yehuda, Peggy and Dr. Dee. My entire practice has shifted in such an insightful, confident, and organic way and I am extremely grateful! Greatest program I have ever attended from a clinical perspective.

Shannon Wilson-Murray

This was the most non-triggering, emotionally safe and supportive training on trauma I've ever experienced. Given the nature of this important content, the way the material was presented was truly masterful and informative.

Jennifer Z.

This workshop was a unique and inspiring sharing of wisdom, knowledge and support for each of us a clinicians and as humans. Dr. Sabrina is an amazing presenter with an abundance of knowledge and inspiration for every one of us!

Holly H.

This workshop facilitated by Lisa Ferentz was wonderful! It was very informative and the zoom presentation was as interactive and helpful as her workshops usually are, whether in person or on-line. Thank you Lisa!

Angel Harp Witherspoon

This was the most informative and interactive training that I have ever attended. I would recommend this training to anyone.

Lyndsay Soeder

This was one of the best trainings I've ever taken and certainly the most informative. Lisa does an excellent job presenting the material in a way that is really interesting and applicable to a wide array of clinical settings. Anyone working in the mental health field should take this training. Most importantly, Lisa really did a wonderful job of making sure that we as clinicians felt taken care of and appreciated. I truly felt like I mattered.

Shelby Mitchem

This was hands down the best and most useful training I have ever done. In my almost 10 years as a therapist, I have never felt more confident in my clinical skills than I do now. Thank you, Lisa, for your infinite wisdom!

Kara Smith

This was by far the best training I have attended. I learned that I was actually doing a lot correctly, but also learned a lot of things I could be doing. I look forward to Level II!

Michael Schlein

This was an awesome workshop that gave me the very unique opportunity to learn from the wisdom of a seasoned Rabbi, Priest and therapist. I left the workshop better equipped and more inspired to help my clients.

Elizabeth Holtz

This is the first training I completed that I genuinely looked forward to attending because I recognized the impact it had in my clinical work.

Danielle Deckard

This was a wonderful workshop that engendered a meaningful conversation on spirituality and psychotherapy, and the role of both in post traumatic growth. The facilitators were very engaging and knowledgeable.

Jennifer Thocher

This training was worth the investment. It increased my confidence as well as my competence and my ability to both maintain and model healthy boundaries and work-life balance. Lisa is a very inspiring mentor.

Crystel Britto

This training was invaluable. I was able to use this knowledge and the techniques to help almost every single client I serve.

Melissa Tayree Marshall

This training was helpful for seasoned as well as novice supervisors. Provided the opportunity for both groups to engage and discuss their experiences to solidify learning from each other.

Claire Bernstein

This training was a very thorough and effective look at trauma treatment. Lisa's intentionality and creativity made this training very valuable. I am leaving with many useful strategies, skills, and language to utilize with my clients. I felt challenged through this program to reflect on my clinical practice!

Lisa Zimmerman

This training was a game-changer for me. The strength-based approach Lisa takes has transformed the way I see my clients and the range of practical tools we were given has revitalized my work with them.

Allyson Wozniak

This training transferred well to an online platform. Lisa did a great job keeping everyone active and keeping the training lively and engaging.

Dawn Gomez

This training provided so much quality information. All of it was immediately useful with my caseload. This was so beneficial!

Molly Jakubek

This training is amazing and provides a thorough foundation to work with clients with trauma. Everything learned helped my growth as a clinician.

Nancy Simard

This training has truly changed my practice in the way I view both the students and my colleagues in my school. I have completely redesigned the school counselor office lighting to create a warmer more welcoming environment. I look at my most difficult students through a different lens, often picturing them as babies in the trauma he must've endured. I am a patient, more attentive and excited to use the myriad of strategies thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Julia Caruana

This training has made me realize who I am as a therapist! I have learned so much and I see a huge difference in how I work with my clients. Thank you!

Linda Beck

This training has been a priceless investment which I believe will change my practice for many years to come.

Royshonda Boulden
Victim Advocate

This training gave me new insight as an advocate and really put things in a new light.

Susan B. Blair

This training equipped me with a greater understanding of trauma informed treatment. I feel more confidant in my practice dealing with issues of trauma and more energized to continue to increase my knowledge and efficacy.

Karina Aponte

This training allowed me to transform the way I work with clients. I feel much more confident and competent in my work thanks to Lisa's help in expanding my knowledge.

Kamilah Smiley

This program was extraordinary. Lisa is phenomenal. I learned a lot that will help me be a better clinician while normalizing and embracing care for myself.

Sarah Vayda

This program should be a part of every clinician's repertoire. The compassion and knowledge Lisa has is invaluable and I am confident I am a better clinician because of this training and the investment in myself and clients.

Rachel Herring

This program is worth every last cent. Prior to the training, I was apprehensive about the financial investment. It was so worth it. The program boosted my confidence in working with trauma survivors. The information that I have passed on to clients in the form of psychoeducation has left them feeling empowered. I loved the on-line format. It makes it a lot more accessible and no rush hour driving!

Amy Searcey

This program reinforced and strengthened my confidence and skills. I have noticed clinically significant results in my clients through implementing the tools provided in this training.

Shannon Haley

This program provides the essential necessary for effective practice. I've been a licensed social worker for 17 years and this program was more beneficial than any graduate class or training I have ever taken. Thank you, Lisa!

Karen Ross Taylor

This program is an extraordinary interpretation of several therapeutic modalities and an interesting and heartfelt alternative to the manualized, mechanical CEU offerings elsewhere.

Natalie O'Neil

This program is an incredibly wise investment for anyone who is interested in becoming more trauma informed. The information is priceless, digestible, comprehensive, and delivered in an engaging way. I cannot endorse Lisa and the Institute enough- it is worth your time to enhance your skills.

Ann Smith

This program incorporates all of the contemporary and recent knowledge the field has gained in trauma-informed therapy treatment and gives therapists concrete tools and strategies to use with their clients. Lisa and her faculty provide warmth, support and encouragement all throughout the course.

Jessica Schuhly

This program helped me grow so much, not just as a clinician, but also as an individual.

Tim Sebian-Lander

This program has profoundly changed the way in which I see trauma and interact with clients who are still living with and coping with trauma. Honestly, I feel like I have grown as a therapist and I know that patients I see, now and in the future, will benefit from the work I did in this training. I strongly recommend it to all professionals! Thank you, Lisa!

Shanez Jenkins

This program has helped me to become a more competent and confident clinician. I have begun using the skills and interventions from this program with current clients, and the shift in my practice and the progress of my clients has been amazing to witness. I recommend this program to every clinician who wants to develop or strengthen skills and knowledge of trauma informed care.

Robert Bangert

This program has completely transformed my clinical practice. Using the skills and knowledge I gained through this program has benefited my clients, and makes me a more confident, competent clinician. I recommend this program to all of my colleagues!

Barbie Glenn

This program has completely changed the way I approach therapy and it show in the improvements I am observing in the lives of my clients! Thank you!

Jami Margolis

This program gave me, as a seasoned clinician, so much insight about how to be trauma informed in every aspect of treatment: intake environment, parts work, and termination. Thank you!

David Facenda

This program brought me back to all the good things I felt while in grad school: lots of new knowledge, useful skills, and a safe and comfortable learning experience.

Stephanie Trisi

This program boosted my confidence and confidence as a therapist a TON. The information is so well organized and presented. Lisa is inspiring, motivating, and grounding all at once.

Annette Schlossnagle

This is the stuff I wish we had in college! Lisa is an excellent teacher! Taking this course is something I have dreamed of since I first heard Lisa teach at another training. Every class I went away with immediately applicable teaching and resources. I immediately felt more confident and comfortable in my practice.

Kit MacFarlane

This is the best class I have ever attended (and I have two Master's degrees) and Lisa is the most organized, most compassionate, most detailed oriented and the most aware of the process than I have ever encountered. She is very well grounded and rounded in all her presentations.

Janet Glover Kirkvliet

This is an awesome training with all the qualities and more of a very excellent postdoctoral course! Lisa is a wonderful, generous mentor, lecturer, teacher and clinician.

Betsy Nichols

This has been, by far, the most useful and high quality training I have ever attended! I recommend this to any mental health professional and really anyone in a helping/health profession.

Torri Mills

This has been the most beneficial training that I have attended. I knew nothing about Lisa Ferentz before registering, but this training has exceeded my expectations and I have encouraged co-workers to participate. I came away with a wealth of information and knowledge and started incorporating what I learned in my sessions. I have also been able to inform family members, school teachers, and partners what to expect from one who has experienced trauma. Can't wait to take Level II!

Susan Goldberg

This course was incredibly impactful on my practice and for my clients. Thank you for being so amazing!

Jess Maier

This course was highly interactive and engaging. It was a true, in-person, demonstration of how dream work can be a useful took in therapy.

Tracy Wallace

This course gave me the knowledge, skills, and confidence to treat clients with trauma. I would 100% recommend it! It's the course I wish I had in graduate school!

Stephanie Marinelli

There's no way you can leave a class you taught, Lisa, without learning new strategies and examples of how to encourage others.

Ryan M.

The workshop was phenomenal. I already see a change in the way I conceptualize and treat clients' presenting concerns. Learning and applying several expressive techniques first-hand in the workshop gave me the confidence to put it into practice. It also helped that the venue and workshop set-up were *amazing* and very conducive to learning.

Janniece Phillips

There are so many aspects of this training that will benefit your work as a clinician or if you are developing a program to serve survivors. This knowledge is imperative to the success and healing of trauma survivors.

Sasha W.

The workshop was very informative. I was able to walk into my office the next day with a clear understanding of parts work and utilize new expressive modalities right away. I'm excited to take more trainings on the topic and deepen my knowledge!

Julia K.

The workshop was so valuable in that it provided me with an expanded scope of practice and concrete techniques to use in addressing difficult subjects with clients. Lisa is such an engaging and knowledgeable presenter and weaves in relevant examples from her own practice, which helps highlight the practical applications of the material.

Laura Ashley

The Working With Dreams workshop was interesting and informative. Vivienne, our instructor, used experiential exercises to engage our group and illustrate how to use her techniques. I can't wait to try her methods out with my clients.

Kerry Ford Morancy

The way Salicia facilitated the exercises was most powerful and supportive.

Judy Cohen

The Trauma Certificate program was extremely valuable and has contributed immensely to my work with clients. It has been the best investment I have made in regards to my clinical practice.

Carrie Schurtz

The Trauma Level I course increased both my confidence and competence as a clinician. The online learning format afforded convenience without sacrificing the quality of this dynamic course. The resources and connection with other clinicians through the online format have proven to be incredibly helpful in my day to day practice.

Elizabeth Doonan

The Trauma Informed Treatment, Ethical considerations workshop was interesting, clear, informative and useful throughout. Lisa's authenticity is refreshing, her genuine dedication and advocacy for both the client and practitioner are unparalleled. I am glad I had the chance to attend this unique workshop.

Katie Lukehart

The Trauma Informed Assessments and Treatment training was nearly life changing for me as a clinician. Lisa was empowering, direct and willing to answer any question thrown her way. I took information from this training that I started using in my own practice immediately.

Grace Wright

The trauma certificate Level I program led by Lisa is transformational. Lisa's expertise and experience is woven into the curriculum in a way that is engaging and fascinating. This program offers practitioners concrete skills and knowledge that expand clinical work with clients tremendously. Thank you!

Angela Wharton

The training was absolutely wonderful! I learned lots of valuable information that I could use both in my daytime job and my non-profit.

Kim B.

The training was amazing. Although I wanted to learn more about Parts Work to be able to help my clients, I learned that and more. I now understand the importance of practicing what I preach. How can I talk to my clients about compassion for self, when I lack my own self compassion. I want to learn even more about Parts work not only for professional development, but for personal development as well.

Melissa Deaton Cook

The training framed supervision as relational, ethical, and helpful as compared to simply policing and gatekeeping.

Michele Lantz

The training has been incredible. I feel more competent and confident in my work with my clients because of this training and because of Lisa's ability to teach the material in such an effective manner.

Talecia Frazier

The presenter was excellent, easy to understand and knowledgeable.

Shereen Ghori

The session on [Evolving Treatment in the Face of the Opioid Epidemic] was informative especially for someone who is not in the field of substance abuse.

Erin Wical

The program was extremely helpful and has taught me so much about trauma informed care within the mental health field. I would highly recommend this training, it is worth every penny!

Laura Malone

The program was incredibly informative. The way Lisa structured and presented the information was great!