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Our Mission:

To provide social workers and other mental health professionals with state-of-the-art continuing education encompassing a variety of clinical issues, client populations, and practice settings. We believe effective learning occurs in a professional, nurturing, supportive, and fun environment that fosters collegial sharing and networking.

Our trainings encourage clinicians to reframe and de-pathologize symptoms, while focusing on clients’ resiliency and strengths. We believe that clinicians are only as effective as the extent to which they take care of themselves, so we also address issues of counter-transference, vicarious traumatization, and professional burnout.

Four people attending a workshop for The Ferentz Institute.

Trauma Certificate Programs

Learn how to incorporate effective and creative trauma treatment strategies that promote self-compassion and healing.

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A man sitting and reading about a workshop.

Discover our Inspiring Workshops

Earn valuable CEUs through informative and experiential workshops that strengthen your professional skills and enhance your personal growth.

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A picture of Lisa Ferentz.

Bring Lisa to You

Discover trainings and keynote addresses that Lisa can offer your professional community at your clinical setting or conference.

Upcoming Classes

Boost your professional knowledge and expand your expertise with our in-person and online trainings.

A picture that represents this event.
September 10, 2024
8:45 AM - 4:15 PM (ET)
Virtual Training on Zoom
Dee Preston-Dillon

This course explores the use of expressive therapies to validate, facilitate, and empower clients, and support therapist’s cultural sensibilities.

A picture that represents this event.
September 16, 2024
8:45 AM - 4:15 PM (ET)
In-Person at The Hilton Garden Inn
Jill Penaloza

In this workshop you’ll learn and practice trauma sensitive techniques for helping clients move safely into felt sensation so that they can understand and begin to master skills for expanding their Window of Tolerance.

A picture that represents this event.
September 20, 2024
8:45 AM - 12:00 PM (ET)
Virtual Training on Zoom
Nick Farr
Alex Timoshenko

This workshop will explore how mental health counselors and related professionals can ethically incorporate the creative arts into their clinical practice.

What people are saying about The Ferentz Institute:

Krista Dhruv

She's [Lisa's] such a wonderful teacher AND a seasoned clinician- it's hard to get both in one person!

Hayley B. Sherwood

Dr. Papernow is a highly-skilled, empathetic, engaging and clear communicator who is able to connect with the audience in powerful and meaningful ways. Her examples, handouts and years of clinical experience will most definitely assist me in my work with clients moving forward. Thank you so much!

Diana Harden

Lisa's care and attention to our development as trauma informed clinicians is unmatchable. Her knowledge and ability to offer so many variations has been so helpful in my growth and in my work with a wide range of clients. I appreciated her ability to recognize the need for clinician self care and being a huge advocate for that important part of the work that can often go unattended to. I only wish I had taken this training sooner in my career but so grateful for the current opportunity!

Jennifer Hart

[Therapists as Peacebuilders: Using Your Gifts for Global Impact} was a great workshop. I enjoy learning opportunities that balance between personal growth/awareness as a clinician as well as wider reaching issues. The facilitator [Sabrina] was knowledgeable, experienced, approachable and enjoyable. I felt that it was a nice change of pace to be “learning” on the psycho-spiritual/emotional end of things rather than just the mental. I do feel like this was one of the most valuable CEU's I've taken this season.

Shanez Jenkins

This program has helped me to become a more competent and confident clinician. I have begun using the skills and interventions from this program with current clients, and the shift in my practice and the progress of my clients has been amazing to witness. I recommend this program to every clinician who wants to develop or strengthen skills and knowledge of trauma informed care.

Alice O'Donnell

Dr. N'Diaye brings warmth and expertise to this training. She inspires, models, and teaches effective technique within a well developed theoretical frame.

Lyndsay Soeder

This was one of the best trainings I've ever taken and certainly the most informative. Lisa does an excellent job presenting the material in a way that is really interesting and applicable to a wide array of clinical settings. Anyone working in the mental health field should take this training. Most importantly, Lisa really did a wonderful job of making sure that we as clinicians felt taken care of and appreciated. I truly felt like I mattered.

Sara Murry

I encourage every clinician to attend this course. The course's focus on client strengths and creativity encourages you to expand your empathy and see client's in a more complete way. After having taken this training, I feel competent in my interactions with trauma survivors and assist them in a more thoughtful way.

Amy Waldron

She [Susan] was [a] great [facilitator], very informed on the topic [of Effectively Treating Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder].

Rita Etter

Susan was very knowledgeable, shared her own experiences, shared a little about herself, approachable, very authentic, obviously loves what she's doing.

Terry Lynn Manning

Sabrina as a trainer is outstanding. I loved the breakout sessions.

Betsy Nichols

This has been, by far, the most useful and high quality training I have ever attended! I recommend this to any mental health professional and really anyone in a helping/health profession.

Bruce Snyder
Pastoral Crisis Counselor

The Expressive Modalities Program provides a quality connection of didactic information with sensory experience, for a more complete understanding of beneficial client treatment concepts.

Renee Drehmer

The entire program was interesting and thought-provoking. It is change the way I work with all my clients no matter what issues they present with. I wish a class of this nature had been part of my graduate program back in the day. Lisa presented the material same fashion she encourages us with clients. I plan to take Level II.

Leah Schwartz

Sabrina is a force to be reckoned with! She is inspirational, encouraging, and truly cares about this work! Sabrina took the time to get to know each and every one of us in her class, to hear our responses, and respond with care and curiosity. It was a pleasure to learn from her and I look forward to building on my skills based off of what I took from the past couple of days! Thank you!

Liza Baker

[Trauma Informed Collage Methods] greatly refreshed my knowledge as an art therapist, but perhaps more importantly, I recognized the value of collage in working with difficult to reach populations. While the collage experiencials we completed were fun and relaxing, in a new way I could more confidently apply the powerful intuitive processes of collage with people who have lost everything.

Stephanie Durnford

I really appreciated Lisa's approachable, super informed, and engaging presentation style [in Understanding and Working with Self-Injurious Behavior (SIB)]. The material was so applicable to not only conceptualization but also practice.

MaryAnn Niclas

Dr. Wayne was able to skillfully weave teaching strategies so successfully, from referencing comic books, graphic novels, movies, tv shows, biblical stories, personal stories, humor, songs/music. All of these teaching modalities helped drive home his points not just on an intellectual level, but also a visceral level. His optimism and refusal to reside in a 'I'm trapped and so are you' mode was so hopeful and inspiring.

Joan H.W.

Virtual trainings can be hit or miss if the presenter doesn't hold court, but Dr. Evans was fantastic. I was laughing and engaged the entire day.

Myra Kaplan

Lisa is amazing at taking theoretical and evidence-based research and translating it into easy to use, practical interventions and approaches with clients.  This training has definitely made me a better trauma-informed clinician.

Amy Heilman

[Sabrina is] Very engaging and passionate about supervision! Very relatable and encouraged self-reflection.

Sara Chaves

Yehuda was kind and gentle. He was creative and interactive. He had a presence that made it inviting to learn.

Jasmine McEwen

The presenter of the workshop had a calming energy about her, and genuinely seemed interested in what was being discussed.

Sarah Conn

I found [Evolving Treatment in the Face of the Opioid Epidemic] very informative. The presenter was very knowledgeable about the topic and I found it helpful to hear real life experiences with addiction.

Katie O'Mailey

This program [Level II Advanced Treatment in Trauma Certificate] provided more guidance and resources than my graduate school curriculum in terms of clinical competency. What a privilege to witness, reflect on, and explore these new creative trauma-informed modalities with Lisa, Yehuda, Peggy and Dr. Dee. My entire practice has shifted in such an insightful, confident, and organic way and I am extremely grateful! Greatest program I have ever attended from a clinical perspective.

Victoria Stubbs

I truly appreciated her integrated approach, her authenticity and the sharing of personal examples. She [Sabrina] made the virtual space feel welcoming and comfortable.

Traci Brautigan

I loved the training. Very informative.

Mary Liz Austin

Tim was a wise and conscientious presenter with a clear mastery of his subject matter.

Caitlin Tromiczak

Sabrina leads with her heart and invites us all to do the same. This approach coupled with her immense experience and insight allowed me to both learn new skills and ways of conceptualizing the work as well as tap deeper into my own wisdom and expertise.

Naomi Taffet

Thank you, Lisa, and everyone at the Ferentz Institute, for putting together such an amazing program. I am a better clinician for attending each class. She is a gift on so many levels to those of us in the field. I gained a greater knowledge base as a result I now have new colleagues and new tools to continue learning, growing, and have a renewed passion for what we do.

Justin Shea

I was ambivalent about the utility of teletherapy. Lisa presented information focusing on the individual, therapist, and relationship. [Navigating the Ethical Challenges of Telemental Health was] highly useful.

Jennifer Babylon

Level II was an enriching experience that provided a strong foundation to and added an immense yet digestible and applicable amount of knowledge in which to feel confident and comfortable in stepping foot into private practice as a new LCSW.

Rachel Herring

This program is worth every last cent. Prior to the training, I was apprehensive about the financial investment. It was so worth it. The program boosted my confidence in working with trauma survivors. The information that I have passed on to clients in the form of psychoeducation has left them feeling empowered. I loved the on-line format. It makes it a lot more accessible and no rush hour driving!

Jennie Strauss

From the start, I knew a made a great choice in investing my time and emotions in this program. I've learned so many tools and strategies to help my patients cope with their trauma and I've learned a lot about myself and how I can best support and guide my patients.

Ashley D.

This workshop was helpful to get past the places that I often get 'stuck' with my clients. Creative modalities were introduced and Lisa was great at answering specific questions for numerous case scenarios.

Katherine Cashin

Lisa's trauma training has brought me to a new level as a clinician. This should be required education for anyone in the clinical care or educational setting. The knowledge and resources gained through this course are invaluable.

Laura Ballard

[Staying Within the Window of Tolerance: Breath Work and Body-Centered Modalities for Affect Regulation] was superb. The experiential part was priceless, and I have practiced the techniques repeatedly since the training – without ever having to go dig up the (excellent) handouts. Stacey was terrific.. she really knows her stuff and communicated it in wonderfully practical and USEFUL ways that I expect to continue using for many years. THANK YOU!! I will continue to travel to The Ferentz Institute as often as I can afford to do so for the best and most PRACTICAL trainings of any kind I've ever had!)

Jessica Schuhly

This program helped me grow so much, not just as a clinician, but also as an individual.

Ryan Muffi

[Using Expressive Modalities to Connect With and Soothe Traumatized Parts] was phenomenal. I already see a change in the way I conceptualize and treat clients' presenting concerns. Learning and applying several expressive techniques first-hand in the workshop gave me the confidence to put it into practice. It also helped that the venue and workshop set-up were *amazing* and very conducive to learning.

Jessie P.

Wow. What better way to learn about healing leadership than by witnessing it and being healed by it throughout the workshop? I feel so much gratitude to Sabrina for modeling what healing leadership looks like, and giving so freely of her wisdom so that we may continue to share with others. I am blown away.

Laura Block

I enjoyed this workshop [Using Expressive Modalities to Connect With and Soothe Traumatized Parts]. I feel like this and other offerings at the Ferentz Institute are the only time I receive continuing education that really, really speaks to these matters in a substantive manner. I hope to be able to attend more workshops in the near future. This particular one was impressive at the depth we went to in a relatively short amount of time.

Will Perks

I appreciated the focus on caring for patient, pacing, and the ethics of the work [in Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations]. I am interested in other trainings.

Vicki Rahenkamp

I am a seasoned professional and always leave trainings feeling like there was no new take away. However, after [Understanding and Working with Self-Injurious Behavior (SIB)] I left feeling recharged with new knowledge and skills. Can't wait to get back to work to use use them. Thanks!!

Kimberly Daulton

Sabrina has such a fun, engaging, and therapeutic presence during the training! She integrates self-reflection and challenges us to grow!

Tiffany Smith

Sabrina was engaging, direct, warm and above all, AUTHENTIC. I could feel her spirit through her tone, use of words and teaching.

Meredith G.

A fantastic workshop encouraging curiosity about the client's shame, guilt and inner critic parts. By allowing the possibility of honoring those parts, we are encouraging other positive parts to come forward and change the client's current self narrative. As always, Lisa is an excellent teacher, positive, kind and making the experience even more enjoyable.

Laura Willard

Sabrina was very knowledgeable and offered new content in a way that was inspiring and easy to digest.

Julia Caruana

This training has made me realize who I am as a therapist! I have learned so much and I see a huge difference in how I work with my clients. Thank you!

Stephanie Crockett

Lisa Ferentz's program in Advanced Trauma Treatment level I is the must-have for every clinician, no matter their population or therapeutic approach. Not only can this training help inform your work with trauma clients, it can provide another layer of therapeutic empathy that can be applied to all clients, and modalities that can be used with any client.

Anne Eckman

[Trauma Informed Collage Methods featured a] wonderful combination of theory, practical art prompts, and a chance to experience methods and materials. Allowed for new learning, and refinement, across a spectrum of trauma therapy and artmaking experience in the room. Thank you!

Rachel Wills

I really valued [Understanding and Working with Self-Injurious Behavior (SIB)]. Lisa allowed me to more fully understand that my challenging clients are not trying to be resistant or difficult but are struggling with trauma and deeply ingrained, albeit ineffective coping mechanisms. Lisa also supported and solidified for me, what I had already been mulling over — that restructuring our treatment model for high risk and chronic relapsing individuals (substance use) to incorporate more skills training.

Shannon Waliser

Sabrina is knowledgeable, personable and authentic. When I sign up to take a training with Sabrina, I know I will grow as a clinician and as a human. I always get my money's worth and more.

Amy Sherbin

Lisa is an authentic, passionate, and highly gifted trauma informed therapist and educator! Thank you for this amazing opportunity!

Eileen Thompson

Heidi made me feel safe to ask questions and responded in a concise and understandable manner.

Rosemary Klapac

Lisa is well informed on the subject of trauma informed treatment and was able to offer great insight as well as real world examples. I left [Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations] with concrete ideas that I could implement right away.

Morgan Gross

In [Master Class – Case Consultation: Treating Post-Partum Mood Disorders Through a Trauma Lens] Robyn did a beautiful job of bridging the gap between two important and highly intertwined areas of clinical focus, which too often aren't talked about intersectionally. I'd highly recommend this training!

Samantha G.

Dr. Evans was a wonderful and inspirational education and practitioner. His authenticity created a safe space and allowed for an environment that we could really experience our time with him.

N. Faye Powell

I found [Understanding and Working with Self-Injurious Behavior (SIB)] to be extremely useful when working with my Clients who present with Trauma based history, to include appreciating how Lisa gave a totally new perspective for Borderline Personality Disorder, which we Clinicians tend to shy away from. I am considering looking into the entire Trauma program that Lisa started. Great job, and will future/other Workshops presented.

Eileen Thompson

Lisa is a presenter who embodies competence and warmth and grace!. The workshop itself taught me new and wonderful ways to navigate clients through trauma with dignity and a wonderfully varied choice of modalities! Lisa's use of her personal journey with trauma patients was a wonderful and captivating way to learn.

Shannon Maple

Timothy provided a safe and open space to learn and grow together!

Carlada Razmus

Susan was really great. Her information [in Effectively Treating Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder] was not new but it did validate that what I'm doing with my anxious clients works. I did learn more about OCD which was great too.

Wendy Pitts

Dr. Sabrina was an amazing presenter and I will definitely take another class with her when one is offered.

MacKenzie Fleming

Lisa Ferentz is very knowledgeable and a great teacher and presenter. She was very warm and welcoming. The class itself was very informational and very organized. I recommend this class to every clinician. Thanks Lisa!

Jordan Klebanow

Lisa is a wonderful instructor and her course will mark a turning point in your practice.

Jenny Jarrell

[Susan is] Very informative and made the training interesting and interactive.

Laura Block

Had a great time [at Filling Your Experiential Toolbox: The Empty Chair, The Double and Role Play Techniques]. Very informative. Loved the facilitator!

Kimberly P.

I truly enjoyed Dr. Sabrina and found the information she presented to be helpful...

Kit MacFarlane

This is the best class I have ever attended (and I have two Master's degrees) and Lisa is the most organized, most compassionate, most detailed oriented and the most aware of the process than I have ever encountered. She is very well grounded and rounded in all her presentations.

Patti Amsel

Very helpful and gave me new perspective and skills to enhance peace building skills. Opened my eyes to actions I could take where before I felt helpless.

Molly Rhodes

Going through the Level I and II trauma training has given me a wide array of skills to use in clinical practice that all stem from a strengths-based model. The trainings have not only helped me learn to guide clients to access their wisest and most compassionate self, but has also helped me to further access my wisest self to improve my work as a clinician.

Jacqueline Trombley

Facility was convenient and comfortable. Process was organized. Presenter was knowledgeable and helpful. Content [for Effectively Treating Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder] was great!

Rebecca Gibson

Lisa creates such an open environment for learning. Whether you are a new or experienced clinician, the level one trauma certificate training, has something valuable for you to bring to your clinical work.

Jenn Ungham

Trauma 1 Program was beyond beneficial as the core of my patients have been affected by trauma and not only did this program validate what I am already doing but also provided me with a wealth of knowledge to take my sessions to the next level and help my patients process through their trauma in a safe and effective way.

Emma Pyle

Lisa is a gifted and energized speaker who speaks with a passion for the difficult work with trauma survivors. [Using Expressive Modalities to Connect With and Soothe Traumatized Parts] had immediate practical applications for day to day sessions with clients.

Lindsay Cole

As a new therapist this has helped solidify my foundation and increased my confidence.

Melissa Tayree Marshall

This training was helpful for seasoned as well as novice supervisors. Provided the opportunity for both groups to engage and discuss their experiences to solidify learning from each other.

Teresa Doniger

I have been eager to strengthen my knowledge base and skill level in trauma informed care. My clients and I will benefit from the hands on approach that Lisa shares with care and attention for all of her program participants. I am now much more aware of the importance of both mind (brain) and body when it comes to the impact and significance of trauma histories and clients' current level of functioning and satisfaction with life.

Kamilah Smiley

This program was extraordinary. Lisa is phenomenal. I learned a lot that will help me be a better clinician while normalizing and embracing care for myself.

Carole Elizabeth Miller

I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend Lisa Ferentz' Level I Trauma Program Training. The training will allow me to assist our Judy Center Program, and the partnering Title I school in utilizing Trauma Informed practices school wide! I learned so much by attending the sessions. I benefited in many ways personally and professionally. I would highly recommend others attend the Level I Trauma Training Program conducted by the Ferentz Institute. Lisa is amazing!!

Stephanie Trisi

This program boosted my confidence and confidence as a therapist a TON. The information is so well organized and presented. Lisa is inspiring, motivating, and grounding all at once.

Paul Timin

Susan connects with her audience with warmth and humor.

Kimberly Riopelle

I loved her energy and enthusiasm. Such a wealth of knowledge and wisdom! One of the best trainings I've been to yet.

Judy Cohen

The Trauma Certificate program was extremely valuable and has contributed immensely to my work with clients. It has been the best investment I have made in regards to my clinical practice.

Renée Myrie

As a Black woman, this seminar spoke to me on so many levels. It was relatable to both my personal and my professional life. This was an amazing experience that I highly recommend to others.

Sara F.

Denise did an excellent job...I found her very knowledgeable and she used really relevant case examples (from her own experiences) that helped make the material more tangible. Her examples of reframing both assessment questions and how to respond to clients in a strength-based way were very informative...Overall, I very much enjoyed the training.

Laura Block

Yehuda presented us with actual new information and tools to use in our practice with clients.

Shannon Maple

[Susan is] Very positive, warm, and open and made it a safe space for discussion and learning.

Katy Kropff

I learned so much in this program. Lisa is so knowledgeable and understanding. There is so much time to connect with other clinicians and share different techniques.

Cara Nazereth

As a clinician, one of the most important tools we have is our self. Lisa helped me find my own internal wisdom and see my blind spots.

Michele S.

Dr. Evans' energy was contagious. It was obvious he truly enjoys the topic and is very knowledgeable. The course flew by yet I would have stayed to learn more.

Michele Lantz

The training has been incredible. I feel more competent and confident in my work with my clients because of this training and because of Lisa's ability to teach the material in such an effective manner.

Sharon Sprecher

[Staying Within the Window of Tolerance] was one of the best workshops I have attended. The Ferentz Institute consistently provides talented, experienced, engaging speakers, who track the newest innovations in their fields, within a very welcoming, comfortable milieu.

Sara Ries

Attending this training was such a positive and meaningful experience. I've gained an essential and vast amount of knowledge related to trauma and its impact that offers a new lens from which to view clients.

Shelby Mitchem

This was hands down the best and most useful training I have ever done. In my almost 10 years as a therapist, I have never felt more confident in my clinical skills than I do now. Thank you, Lisa, for your infinite wisdom!

Ilene Gallner-Toller

Very powerful and experiential workshop! We were constantly engaged in experiential learning, even while taking in theory. Awesome!

Shannon Wilson-Murray

This was the most non-triggering, emotionally safe and supportive training on trauma I've ever experienced. Given the nature of this important content, the way the material was presented was truly masterful and informative.

Leonard Guedalia

The facilitator [Sabrina] of the workshop was able to artfully and compassionately develop a wonderful learning environment. The information and experiential learning enhanced my personal growth and professional development.

Elizabeth G.

Overall, I would rate this workshop very highly. I loved the experiential components... I did come away from the workshop with a better understanding of IFS and a number of tools I can use immediately in my practice.

Elizabeth Holtz

This is the first training I completed that I genuinely looked forward to attending because I recognized the impact it had in my clinical work.

Hetty Barnett

Timothy Elliott was an excellent presenter. He did an excellent job of welcoming the group and of framing the entire training with encouraging clinician self-care (which I know is part of the Ferentz Institute Brand!). He made it a safe space by maintaining the time, encouraging interaction while also being fine when there wasn't any, and keeping a good pace of the lecture while also including space for questions/comments both in the chat and video. Highly recommend it!

David Facenda

This program brought me back to all the good things I felt while in grad school: lots of new knowledge, useful skills, and a safe and comfortable learning experience.

The Ferentz Institute, Inc. is an approved sponsor of the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners for continuing education credits for licensed social workers in Maryland. CEU approval for all trainings is also granted to Psychologists, LCPC’s and MFT’s and approved by the Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists and the Board of Examiners for Psychologists in Maryland. Reciprocity has also been granted for clinicians in Washington, DC, Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Texas. All mental health clinicians are encouraged to check with their respective State Boards to learn if reciprocity is offered for our CEUs. The Institute also maintains full responsibility for all programming.

*Please note that, for workshops that offer CEUs in Anti-Oppressive Content, Ethics, and/or Diversity, those credits may only be used for one of those categories, not all.