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Our Mission:

To provide social workers and other mental health professionals with state-of-the-art continuing education encompassing a variety of clinical issues, client populations, and practice settings. We believe effective learning occurs in a professional, nurturing, supportive, and fun environment that fosters collegial sharing and networking.

Our trainings encourage clinicians to reframe and de-pathologize symptoms, while focusing on clients’ resiliency and strengths. We believe that clinicians are only as effective as the extent to which they take care of themselves, so we also address issues of counter-transference, vicarious traumatization, and professional burnout.

Four people attending a workshop for The Ferentz Institute.

Trauma Certificate Programs

Learn how to incorporate effective and creative trauma treatment strategies that promote self-compassion and healing.

Get Started
A man sitting and reading about a workshop.

Discover our Inspiring Workshops

Earn valuable CEUs through informative and experiential workshops that strengthen your professional skills and enhance your personal growth.

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A picture of Lisa Ferentz.

Bring Lisa to You

Discover trainings and keynote addresses that Lisa can offer your professional community at your clinical setting or conference.

Upcoming Classes

Boost your professional knowledge and expand your expertise with our in-person and online trainings.

A picture that represents this event.
September 10, 2024
8:45 AM - 4:15 PM (ET)
Virtual Training on Zoom
Dee Preston-Dillon

This course explores the use of expressive therapies to validate, facilitate, and empower clients, and support therapist’s cultural sensibilities.

A picture that represents this event.
September 16, 2024
8:45 AM - 4:15 PM (ET)
In-Person at The Hilton Garden Inn
Jill Penaloza

In this workshop you’ll learn and practice trauma sensitive techniques for helping clients move safely into felt sensation so that they can understand and begin to master skills for expanding their Window of Tolerance.

A picture that represents this event.
September 20, 2024
8:45 AM - 12:00 PM (ET)
Virtual Training on Zoom
Nick Farr
Alex Timoshenko

This workshop will explore how mental health counselors and related professionals can ethically incorporate the creative arts into their clinical practice.

What people are saying about The Ferentz Institute:

Elizabeth Mohler

Great resource provided by a gifted teacher & clinician.

Elizabeth Berman

I absolutely loved this training. How to illicit hope, how and when to use spirituality as a vehicle for change and the difficulties and possibilities therein. The training was more of a conversation then a lecture, I am still thinking about this days after the training and have followed up on some reading suggestions that have also been inspiring. Thank you!

Terry Lynn Manning

Sabrina as a trainer is outstanding. I loved the breakout sessions.

Allyson Wozniak

This training transferred well to an online platform. Lisa did a great job keeping everyone active and keeping the training lively and engaging.

Ina Schwob

It is truly an honor and privilege to attend Lisa Ferentz's workshops. Lisa is a dynamic and masterful presenter and therapist specifically trained in trauma therapy. Her trauma workshop provides a high level of education with up to date practical application of assessments, treatments and creative techniques. [Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations] provides guaranteed take home tools will enhance your clinical practice. I am always inspired by her enthusiasm and dedication to trauma therapy. I walk away with renewed energy and excitement.

Nicholas Harmer

The Level 1 training was invaluable to my journey of providing trauma informed therapy and doing deeper work with clients. I recommend new and older clinicians to invest in this program to inform, and to re-spark passion for the very important and sensitive work that we do.

Talecia F.

The facilitator is engaging and inspiring! She is easy to understand and teaches for every learning style!!!!

Samantha G

Dr. Evans was a wonderful and inspirational education and practitioner. His authenticity created a safe space and allowed for an environment where we could really experience our time with him.

Bruce Snyder
Pastoral Crisis Counselor

The Expressive Modalities Program provides a quality connection of didactic information with sensory experience, for a more complete understanding of beneficial client treatment concepts.

Leah Schwartz

Sabrina is a force to be reckoned with! She is inspirational, encouraging, and truly cares about this work! Sabrina took the time to get to know each and every one of us in her class, to hear our responses, and respond with care and curiosity. It was a pleasure to learn from her and I look forward to building on my skills based off of what I took from the past couple of days! Thank you!

Stephanie Barbara Perry

Susan was in command of her subject but also had a great sense of humor.

Catherine Peterson

I have grown as a therapist over the last nine sessions and I believe my growth allows me to see and access the strengths and resiliency in my clients in a new and different way.

Michale Lockman

I deeply appreciate the blend of theoretical and practical knowledge that Lisa's Trauma I course afforded me. I strongly recommend this course and the consummate professional who teaches it.

Tamar Livingstone

I gained immensely from Lisa's level one trauma training, and I am really looking forward to continue learning from her.

Katie Richa

Dr. Evans is a phenomenal, engaging educator. He is knowledgeable and fun to listen to. I appreciate the experience he brought and his gift of teaching. I will be looking for his trainings in the future.

Karen Ross Taylor

Trauma Informed Collage Methods was a very valuable workshop as I have always had a personal affinity for collage activities and love to find ways to incorporate it into my practice. It's also a kinder and less threatening modality for those of us who minimize or deny having artistic abilities. The facilitator Peggy and her assistant Hanna were organized and accommodating. Having minimally structured experiential components to the workshop was a smart choice. I highly recommend :)

Theresa Bennett

The facilitator [Joanne] was very warm and engaging. She encouraged each person to bring a piece of themselves into the workshop [Screenplay: Helping Parents Teach and Reach Children in the Digital Age].

Kamilah Smiley

This program was extraordinary. Lisa is phenomenal. I learned a lot that will help me be a better clinician while normalizing and embracing care for myself.

Joseph Rollo

I believe the most positive take away from [Working with Dreams: Tapping into an Inner Wisdom] was the opportunity to interact with other participants. I do believe the workshop was well-planned and facilitated.

Ann Cybele Hirschhorn

I loved seeing Yehuda give some examples of how he would do things with clients. I enjoyed his case presentations and role plays with attendees.

Holly H.

This workshop facilitated by Lisa Ferentz was wonderful! It was very informative and the zoom presentation was as interactive and helpful as her workshops usually are, whether in person or on-line. Thank you Lisa!

Torri Mills

This has been the most beneficial training that I have attended. I knew nothing about Lisa Ferentz before registering, but this training has exceeded my expectations and I have encouraged co-workers to participate. I came away with a wealth of information and knowledge and started incorporating what I learned in my sessions. I have also been able to inform family members, school teachers, and partners what to expect from one who has experienced trauma. Can't wait to take Level II!

Ilene Gallner-Toller

[Working with Dreams: Tapping into an Inner Wisdom was a] very powerful and experiential workshop! We were constantly engaged in experiential learning, even while taking in theory. Awesome!

Michael Lockman

A highly informative and practical survey of trauma-informed care led by a professional motivated by the highest level of care and advocacy for her clients.

Stephanie Crockett

Lisa Ferentz's program in Advanced Trauma Treatment level I is the must-have for every clinician, no matter their population or therapeutic approach. Not only can this training help inform your work with trauma clients, it can provide another layer of therapeutic empathy that can be applied to all clients, and modalities that can be used with any client.

Kimberly Daulton

Sabrina has such a fun, engaging, and therapeutic presence during the training! She integrates self-reflection and challenges us to grow!

Erica Vohaska

Perspective changing- trauma informed- life changing!

Renee Drehmer

The entire program was interesting and thought-provoking. It is change the way I work with all my clients no matter what issues they present with. I wish a class of this nature had been part of my graduate program back in the day. Lisa presented the material same fashion she encourages us with clients. I plan to take Level II.

Michele Fleming

Sabrina is a great educator and speaker. She is a real person and keeps it real!

Kimberly S. Rowan

She [Susan] provided great ideas and suggestions given her expertise... it felt safe to ask questions, learn, and even be wrong because she was supportive and warm.

Sarah Lawson

Salicia was amazing and I would attend another training session with her.

Meredith Braden

I absolutely loved Level I. Lisa's smart, caring approach conveyed knowledge essential to treating trauma survivors, focusing on their strengths, sharing practical coping skills, and protecting them through the process of therapy. I feel more confident as a young clinician because of this training. It was fun too!

Jessica LeTourneau

[Working with Dreams: Tapping into an Inner Wisdom had] great information with experiential exercises. I really enjoyed connecting with the other participants.

Will Perks

I appreciated the focus on caring for patient, pacing, and the ethics of the work [in Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations]. I am interested in other trainings.

Crystel Britto

This training was invaluable. I was able to use this knowledge and the techniques to help almost every single client I serve.

Donna Tish

Lisa's personality and presentation skills added entertainment and engagement for participants. The experience was well worth the investment of time and money.

Laura Block

I enjoyed this workshop [Using Expressive Modalities to Connect With and Soothe Traumatized Parts]. I feel like this and other offerings at the Ferentz Institute are the only time I receive continuing education that really, really speaks to these matters in a substantive manner. I hope to be able to attend more workshops in the near future. This particular one was impressive at the depth we went to in a relatively short amount of time.

Carmen Cecilia Alvarez Diaz

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! Amazing training!

Dorothy Adamson Holley

The Level I Trauma Certification Program has totally transformed my practice! The conceptual framework and immediately-applicable clinical tools gave me the confidence to work with any client who has experienced trauma. Lisa and her team are phenomenal!

Jordan Klebanow

Lisa is a wonderful instructor and her course will mark a turning point in your practice.

Jennifer Z.

This workshop was a unique and inspiring sharing of wisdom, knowledge and support for each of us as clinicians and as humans. Dr. Sabrina is an amazing presenter with an abundance of knowledge and inspiration for every one of us!

Sheila M. Ishii

I liked Dr. Evans' passion for his topic, the handouts and journaling at the end; his ability to engage the room, with 5 of the 17 participants not being African American or brown skinned; his not shying away from anger in a very articulate participant; and his willingness to share out of his own life, practice, and his faith.

Melissa Brown

I had the privilege of witnessing one of my clients become fully integrated recently thanks to Lisa's DID trainings. My client reports feeling strong and calm for the first time in over fifty years. Lisa's classes were absolutely instrumental in allowing me to feel competent enough to work with this client and my other DID clients.

Laura Willard

Sabrina was very knowledgeable and offered new content in a way that was inspiring and easy to digest.

Sean Cavanaugh

[Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations] was my first workshop at the Ferentz Institute and it exceeded all of my expectations! It was highly interactive and offered practical application for ensuring my clinical practice meets the highest ethical standards.

Nia Foggy

The classes for level two were extremely informative and helpful to me as a therapist. I always left with tools to use with clients. I became more confident in my ability to counsel with the help of this institute.

Angela Wharton

The training was absolutely wonderful! I learned lots of valuable information that I could use both in my daytime job and my non-profit.

Melissa Deaton Cook

The training framed supervision as relational, ethical, and helpful as compared to simply policing and gatekeeping.

Amy L. Whitesel

Patricia was very engaging and offered a truly interactive experience. She is clearly very knowledgeable on this topic.

Susan B. Blair

This training equipped me with a greater understanding of trauma informed treatment. I feel more confidant in my practice dealing with issues of trauma and more energized to continue to increase my knowledge and efficacy.

Kath Haerian

I feel more alive in my practice that I ever have. Digging in and learning has been rejuvenating. Feeling like I am aware of the latest trauma research has made me look at my practice with “new eyes.” I can't imagine working with eating disordered clients without what I have learned.

Shannon Maple

Timothy provided a safe and open space to learn and grow together!

Linda Beck

This training has been a priceless investment which I believe will change my practice for many years to come.

Maria Tolbert

Lisa embodies the social work value of lifelong learning. She's an amazing teacher and is also incredibly willing to learn from others in the room.

Linda Garnett

The material presented was extremely thought provoking. I learned a lot!

Molly Rhodes

Going through the Level I and II trauma training has given me a wide array of skills to use in clinical practice that all stem from a strengths-based model. The trainings have not only helped me learn to guide clients to access their wisest and most compassionate self, but has also helped me to further access my wisest self to improve my work as a clinician.

Sara Ries

Attending this training was such a positive and meaningful experience. I've gained an essential and vast amount of knowledge related to trauma and its impact that offers a new lens from which to view clients.

Stephanie Durnford

I really appreciated Lisa's approachable, super informed, and engaging presentation style [in Understanding and Working with Self-Injurious Behavior (SIB)]. The material was so applicable to not only conceptualization but also practice.

Tracy Ambos

If you are a clinician Lisa Ferentz's trauma training is one you cannot miss!!

Ashley Doot

Heidi brought her strong background in grief work and helped create not only a training but an experience on furthering the depth of my understanding of grief. There were practical exercises and interactive strategies to help engage participants virtually. Highly recommend!

Kara Smith

This was by far the best training I have attended. I learned that I was actually doing a lot correctly, but also learned a lot of things I could be doing. I look forward to Level II!

Julia Caruana

It's hard to explain what an impact Lisa's training has had not only in how I see myself as a therapist but how much more equipped I am to help my clients. I have already seen a tremendous change in the work I do with my clients. It will change the way you see/do therapy. I can't recommend it highly enough!

Jennie Strauss

From the start, I knew a made a great choice in investing my time and emotions in this program. I've learned so many tools and strategies to help my patients cope with their trauma and I've learned a lot about myself and how I can best support and guide my patients.

Katharine Hart

I appreciated the smaller group size which allowed for excellent group discussion. The presenter was very knowledgeable about the subject and had excellent real world examples to share. Very worthwhile and helpful training!

Edward Diamond
Registered Psychology Associate

The presenter [for Working with Dreams: Tapping into an Inner Wisdom] had a good grasp of the material and was exceptionally well prepared.

Sasha W.

The workshop was very informative. I was able to walk into my office the next day with a clear understanding of parts work and utilize new expressive modalities right away. I'm excited to take more trainings on the topic and deepen my knowledge!

Justin Shea

I was ambivalent about the utility of teletherapy. Lisa presented information focusing on the individual, therapist, and relationship. [Navigating the Ethical Challenges of Telemental Health was] highly useful.

Joseph Rollo

[Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations was] very helpful. Material relevant and has broad application. Physical environment was comfortable. Audience was engaged and conversant with material.

Julia Caruana

This training has made me realize who I am as a therapist! I have learned so much and I see a huge difference in how I work with my clients. Thank you!

Victoria Stubbs

I truly appreciated her integrated approach, her authenticity and the sharing of personal examples. She [Sabrina] made the virtual space feel welcoming and comfortable.

Kelly Allmon

Presenter had a great depth of knowledge on grief that will serve my future clients well!

Lindsay Cole

As a new therapist this has helped solidify my foundation and increased my confidence.

Joan H.W.

Virtual trainings can be hit or miss if the presenter doesn't hold court, but Dr. Evans was fantastic. I was laughing and engaged the entire day.

Deborah Wolff

Dr. Dee is always amazing! The workshop [Master Class: Sand Therapy and the Therapeutic Relationship] was everything I needed and more. And thank you for the awesome breakfast!!

Kim B.

The training was amazing. Although I wanted to learn more about Parts Work to be able to help my clients, I learned that and more. I now understand the importance of practicing what I preach. How can I talk to my clients about compassion for self, when I lack my own self compassion. I want to learn even more about Parts work not only for professional development, but for personal development as well.

Kathy Hammel

I was very impressed with this seminar. The facilitator not only made the seminar enjoyable, but she was extremely knowledgeable and shared her experiences. I definitely look forward to attending more seminars.

Wayne Evans

Once again, Lisa facilitated a top notch and very relevant seminar [with Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations]. The presentation was very engaging and time flew by quickly.

Elizabeth Mohler

Great resource provided by a gifted teacher & clinician.

Lydia Santiago

The presenter for [Evolving Treatment in the Face of the Opioid Epidemic] was energetic, knowledgeable and brought in a different perspective to such a sensitive topic. He brought in great speakers, and added human perspective to our Opiate epidemic. I liked his approach and teaching style.

Laura Block

Yehuda presented us with actual new information and tools to use in our practice with clients.

Jennifer Z.

This workshop was a unique and inspiring sharing of wisdom, knowledge and support for each of us a clinicians and as humans. Dr. Sabrina is an amazing presenter with an abundance of knowledge and inspiration for every one of us!

Kathleen Killeen

Wonderful wonderful thanks able to use many things with clients learning in class.

Kimberly Carroll

Lisa provides very accurate and and clear information. If you are a visual learner, you would benefit [from Navigating the Ethical Challenges of Telemental Health].

Christen Dressel

I feel so much more resourced and capable to work as a trauma informed therapist. This class has given me the confidence and renewed my passion for this work.

Susan S.

Vivien was open, accepting, non-judgmental, centered, calm and humble.

Ilene Gallner-Toller

Very powerful and experiential workshop! We were constantly engaged in experiential learning, even while taking in theory. Awesome!

Martine Wisotsky

I found [Creative Techniques for Managing Traumatic Stress: Grounding, Containment, and Resourcing] overall very interesting and helpful. [The presenter] gave us a lot of creative techniques that are simple enough to implement as non-art therapists. I liked the structure – alternating between theory and experiential.

Hetty Barnett

Timothy Elliott was an excellent presenter. He did an excellent job of welcoming the group and of framing the entire training with encouraging clinician self-care (which I know is part of the Ferentz Institute Brand!). He made it a safe space by maintaining the time, encouraging interaction while also being fine when there wasn't any, and keeping a good pace of the lecture while also including space for questions/comments both in the chat and video. Highly recommend it!

Elizabeth Holtz

This is the first training I completed that I genuinely looked forward to attending because I recognized the impact it had in my clinical work.

Amy Searcey

This program reinforced and strengthened my confidence and skills. I have noticed clinically significant results in my clients through implementing the tools provided in this training.

Rachel Herring

This program is worth every last cent. Prior to the training, I was apprehensive about the financial investment. It was so worth it. The program boosted my confidence in working with trauma survivors. The information that I have passed on to clients in the form of psychoeducation has left them feeling empowered. I loved the on-line format. It makes it a lot more accessible and no rush hour driving!

Jami Margolis

This program gave me, as a seasoned clinician, so much insight about how to be trauma informed in every aspect of treatment: intake environment, parts work, and termination. Thank you!

Cara Nazereth

As a clinician, one of the most important tools we have is our self. Lisa helped me find my own internal wisdom and see my blind spots.

Angel Harp Witherspoon

This was the most informative and interactive training that I have ever attended. I would recommend this training to anyone.

Blair C.B.

Healing Leadership...that will be my new tagline as I embark on my journey from school social worker to being a school administrator. This training helped me focus my view on my internal self instead of worrying so much about how others interpret my vision and passion.

Robert Bangert

This program has completely transformed my clinical practice. Using the skills and knowledge I gained through this program has benefited my clients, and makes me a more confident, competent clinician. I recommend this program to all of my colleagues!

Natalie O'Neil

This program is an incredibly wise investment for anyone who is interested in becoming more trauma informed. The information is priceless, digestible, comprehensive, and delivered in an engaging way. I cannot endorse Lisa and the Institute enough- it is worth your time to enhance your skills.

Karen Kochen Silverman

[Individualizing Treatment for Children and Adolescents with Complex Trauma and Dissociation] was a very informative training and I learned a lot. I was very happy that I attended this training and hope to attend future trainings with the institute.

Benta Sims

Heidi's style of interacting as she presented the material was kind, respectful, thoughtful, mindful, experienced, and yet humble.

Stephanie Marinelli

There's no way you can leave a class you taught, Lisa, without learning new strategies and examples of how to encourage others.

Samantha G.

Dr. Evans was a wonderful and inspirational education and practitioner. His authenticity created a safe space and allowed for an environment that we could really experience our time with him.

The Ferentz Institute, Inc. is an approved sponsor of the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners for continuing education credits for licensed social workers in Maryland. CEU approval for all trainings is also granted to Psychologists, LCPC’s and MFT’s and approved by the Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists and the Board of Examiners for Psychologists in Maryland. Reciprocity has also been granted for clinicians in Washington, DC, Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Texas. All mental health clinicians are encouraged to check with their respective State Boards to learn if reciprocity is offered for our CEUs. The Institute also maintains full responsibility for all programming.

*Please note that, for workshops that offer CEUs in Anti-Oppressive Content, Ethics, and/or Diversity, those credits may only be used for one of those categories, not all.